Heads of Terms are a document that records the key terms that have been agreed in a commercial property transaction and these are circulated to all parties and the legal documentation is drafted on the basis of what has been agreed. Who produces the HOT’s? These are usually produced by…

2021 was an eventful year for employment law, with the ongoing impacts of Covid-19, the winding down of the much relied on Furlough Scheme, and Brexit, all significantly shaping and changing legislation. So what changes to employment law can we anticipate in the rest of 2022? Changes to statutory rates…

When approached by a developer who wishes to buy their land and whether or not the developer specifies the type of agreement they wish to use, a landowner will find it useful to know about the various types of sale agreement available as well as the implications of the developer’s…

Here are two recent transactions both with eleventh hour developments... The first was a c. £2m refinance. On the face of it, our client was mortgaging a property. So a very simple question of registering a charge on the property in exchange for cash. Something you would think you can…

PM Boris Johnson has announced a move to Plan to B of the Covid Winter Plan from Monday 13 December 2021. What does this mean in practice? Face coverings will be required in most indoor public places and on public transport Regular testing and self isolation, if required Get…

Age discrimination has been a hot topic within the workforce for many years. Discrimination is often open to interpretation and can take on many forms. Being treated different to others or just overthinking? A recent case occurred where Ms Stunell, a teenage apprentice working at a hairdressers, found herself in…

The Curwens squatters did it! We completed the #100squatsaday challenge for the month of November to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Despite aches and pain, we continued and for those who weren’t able to manage the full #100aday they did what they could manage. With a few hundred…

Separating from a spouse and making the decision to divorce, can be one of the most difficult and stressful times in a person’s life. Here our family law solicitor, Lisa Honey considers the top tips to consider before embarking on the process: Has the marriage broken down irretrievably? It may…

An agreement between parties A couple planning to marry or enter civil partnership may wish to negotiate an agreement to show what they intend to happen with their money and property if the marriage or civil partnership later breaks down, i.e. a pre-nuptial agreement. It is important to confirm that…

#BLAM2020 #BLAWXCOVID19 #BLAW #BREAKTHESILENCE During the official month of recognition, the week of 9-15 October aims to raise awareness about pregnancy and baby death in the UK.  It is an opportunity for collaboration between charities and organisations to work together for change and tangible improvements in policy, research, bereavement care…

In a world that is increasingly opening up to,  and learning to understand those with mental health issues, its relevant to mark a global day of recognition  especially more so due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic in both personal and work life. What is #mentalhealth? Everyone has mental…

CJRS ending As businesses furiously prepare for the end of the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS / Furlough) at the end of September whilst managing the ongoing financial and practical implications of the ongoing pandemic, it is expected that there will be a surge in employment related claims. Claims…

According to UK statistic up to Monday, 16 August 2021 47,369,418 people have received their first dose and 40,841,971 people have received their Second dose but questions are now being raised about the vaccination of children. As we are aware coronavirus can affect anyone. Some children and young people are…

In a surprising turn of events in the Tokyo Olympics which closed last week, Simone Biles withdrew from the USA team and all round final. On your marks get set……stop If you had been keeping a close eye on the Olympics you will have heard that four time Olympic gold…

Football fever firmly grips the nation today as England head to the first semi final in 25 years at Wembley, however many face missing the long awaited match due to being stuck at work. Even those who are not avid fans are tempted or distracted by the increasing social atmosphere…



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